Venue Access Awards
Learn about the Venue Access Award, recognising a standard of accessibility at the Edinburgh Fringe.

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The Venue Access Award has been produced in partnership with Attitude is Everything, to promote best practice across Fringe venues.
The award recognises the unique challenges of managing a Fringe venue and ensuring it is as accessible as possible. It guides venue managers and event organisers through 16 different topics which lead to the achievement of awards (levels one to three, with level one designed to be achievable by all venues).
Level one
We are delighted to announce that the following venues have achieved level one of the Venue Access Award:
- Assembly Checkpoint
- Assembly Gardens
- Assembly George Street Theatre
- Assembly Hall
- Assembly Ice Rink
- Assembly Rooms
- Assembly Roxy
- Assembly George Square Studios
- Bedlam Theatre
- Gilded Balloon Teviot
- Gilded Balloon Rose Theatre
- Gilded Balloon at the Museum
- Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose
- Gilded Balloon at Old Tolbooth Market
- Greenside @ Infirmary Street
- Greenside @ Nicolson Square
- Greenside @ Royal Terrace
- Pleasance@EICC
- Quaker Meeting House
- The Stand Comedy Club
- Stand 2
- Stand 3 & 4
- The Stand New Town Theatre
- Stockbridge Church
- Venue150@EICC
- Access information on the venue website and given to the Fringe Society is accurate and up to date.
- D/deaf and disabled people are eligible for a free personal assistant ticket to attend Fringe shows.
- Venue staff have completed the Fringe’s online equalities training.
- Venue staff are aware of all access facilities and policies.
- Access is considered in the recruitment process for Fringe jobs.
- Clear information is provided on the venue’s website and the Fringe society regarding drop off points and accessible parking.
- If there is no lowered window at the box office, the venue staff will provide a personalised service.
- All efforts will have been made for the venue to have level access where possible. If level access is not possible, the venue will provide information on the number of steps to the Fringe Society and on their own website.
- Accurate information will be provided about the provision of accessible toilets, and if the venue does not have an accessible toilet, alternative arrangements will be made and communicated to customers.
- Signage will be provided for venue toilets, box office, bars, and the performance spaces.
- Venues will have a clear policy regarding sightlines for customer with access requirements.
- Venues will provide information on their website about where bars, traders and concession stalls have lowered sections.
- Venues will ensure that access information is available to staff and artists at the point of programming for the Fringe.
- All companies performing at the venue will be provide with basic information on providing accessible performances.
- There is a point of contact for customers with access requirements to give feedback to.
- The venue will engage with the Venue Access Award every two years.
Level two
We are delighted that the following venues have achieved level two of the Venue Access Award
- Fringe Central
- Fringe Shop & Box Office
- The Greenhouse by BoxedIn Theatre (Pleasance Pop-Up: Dynamic Earth)
- Roundabout@Summerhall
- Scottish Storytelling Centre
- Summerhall
- Everything required for level one. And:
- Access information is available in alternative formats, both online and upon request.
- The venue is contactable by phone and email.
- Where D/deaf and disabled customers are required to provide evidence of eligibility for a personal assistant ticket, venue staff are trained to adopt Attitude is Everything's guidance on what evidence is acceptable and how to request it.
- The core management and staff team will have undertaken a two-hour disability equality training session, which includes discussion of access, from a recognised provider at two to three-year intervals.
- Depending on the size of the venue, a number of people have overall responsibility for access.
- There is a member of staff leading on access and reporting on this to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society.
- If volunteers are used within the venue, Attitude is Everything’s volunteer policy is used.
- Large venues will have a lowered window or counter at one box office at all locations.
- Permanent venues will have a counter induction loop.
- Temporary venues without an accessible toilet will have worked with nearby businesses to make alternative arrangements for customers. Permanent venues at this level will have functional and appropriate accessible toilets.
- Signage on toilet doors will include symbols, text and possibly tactile elements.
- Bar and concessions will have a lowered section. If this is not possible, an accessible service will be provided.
- The venue can offer level access to one stage and the backstage areas upon request of an artist.
- The venue staff have been trained on best practice in the delivery of assisted performances.
- Venues will have made direct contact with organisations and individuals who can offer audio decryption, captioning, BSL, and relaxed performance.
- Direct engagement will have been made with local or national disability organisations and platforms, to encourage feedback. For example, the venue will have a profile on Euan’s Guide.
Level three
We are delighted that the following venues have achieved level three of the Venue Access Award :
- Dance Base
- Pleasance Courtyard
- Pleasance Dome
- Everything required for levels one and two. And:
- The venue website will be compatible with screen readers and ZoomText programmes.
- Easy-read material will be available where appropriate.
- The core staff in temporary venues will have undertaken a two-hour disability equality training session that includes a discussion of access from a recognised trainer at two- three-year intervals.
- Permanent venues will work with an impairment specific disability trainer as part of their rolling training programme.
- There will be a stated commitment to and evidence of increasing the numbers of people identifying as D/deaf and disabled employed and volunteering within the venue.
- There will be online photo route maps of the journey to the venue or entrance from local transport hubs and car parks as appropriate.
- A lowered window or counter at one box office at all locations.
- All permanent venues will have a counter induction loop at one box office per site.
- Level access from point of arrival to areas of performance and toilets.
- Accessible toilets will meet current building regulations.
- The venue will investigate the feasibility of installing or hiring a Changing Place.
- Signage will follow the guidance given in the Sign Design Guide.
- Accessible seating provision is planned with reference to Attitude is Everything’s best practice guidance.
- All bars, traders, and concessions will have a lowered section.
- More than one stage in the venue has level access.
- D/deaf and disabled users directly feed into strategic planning of the venue.