Philanthropic giving
Help us to continue our work supporting artists and assisting audiences at the Fringe.

The Fringe Society is a registered charity that relies on the support of people like you to continue our work supporting artists, assisting audiences and celebrating the Fringe and what it stands for all over the world.
There are lots of ways to support the Fringe – find out more below.
Make a donation
If you can, please consider donating:
- Online - make a donation online now.
- Bank transfers - Our details are:
Account Name: Festival Fringe Society Ltd
Account Number: 00158761
Sort Code: 83-34-00
Bank: Royal Bank of Scotland, 30 Nicholson St, Edinburgh, Midlothian EH8 9DL -
Cheque - Cheques should be crossed and made payable to 'Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society'. Please let us know if you need a receipt. Post your cheque to:
Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society
180 High Street
Please contact us if you need any further information to make a donation.
(Tel: +44 (0)131 226 0036 Email:[email protected])
Donating from the US?
We have recently partnered with the Chapel & York US Foundation, Inc to ensure that our American supporters can claim tax benefits by giving to a registered 501(c)(3). The Chapel & York US Foundation, Inc will provide you with a tax receipt for your donation. The Chapel & York Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) with EIN 81-2161937. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Honorary gifts
If you are considering what to do to commemorate an important occasion such as a birthday, anniversary or memorial, a gift to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society could be the perfect choice. You can make a donation to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society in the name of a family member, friend or colleague.
Perhaps you are looking for a unique and special surprise for a loved one who has a passion for the arts in Scotland. Or maybe you would like to support our organisation in memory of someone equally inspiring.
If you would like to make a donation in honour of a loved one, please contact our team at [email protected] or on 0131 226 0036.
Gift Aid
Don’t forget to Gift Aid! As a charity, the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society can claim Gift Aid on behalf of customers and donors who are UK tax payers.
If you agree to Gift Aid your donations, we can reclaim the tax on any qualifying donations made since 05 April 2020 at no extra cost to you. Meaning for every £10.00 you donate, we actually receive £12.50. This makes a huge difference to us.
Please note, you must pay an amount of UK Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax at least equal to the tax that we reclaim on your donations in any single tax year.
Leaving a gift in your Will
Any gift, however large or small, will ensure that the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society continues to light up the streets of Edinburgh for years to come.
Leaving a gift in your Will can be a surprisingly straight forward process, but we do recommend that you consult a solicitor who will be able to discuss your plans in relation to your personal circumstances.
There are four types of legacy you can leave:
- Residuary Bequest - This is a gift of the residue of your estate or share of the residue, after other bequests to your family and friends have been made and all debts, taxes and expenses have been paid.
- Pecuniary Bequest - This is a specified sum of money determined when the Will is written. The value of pecuniary legacies will decrease over time due to inflation and increases in the cost of living.
- Specific Bequest - This is where a particular item of value is bequeathed, such as stocks and shares, proceeds of a Life Assurance Policy, property, furniture, jewellery, buildings and land.
- Contingent Bequest - This is a gift in your Will that depends on another occurrence happening. For example, it could mean leaving a gift in a Will to charity only if other beneficiaries die before the testator (the person making the will).
If you do decide to leave the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society a gift in your Will, you will need to include our full name, address and charity number details in your Will, which are listed below.
Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society
180 High Street
Charity Number: SC002995
Estimate the value of your estate and make a list of the people and causes that you would like to benefit. Make an appointment with your solicitor who will ensure the exact wording of your Will and that it is legally binding.
If you are amending a Will, you will need to add a codicil. A codicil is an addition or change to a Will. Every time you want to update your Will you can prepare a codicil and you can have as many of these as you like.
If you do decide to leave a gift in your Will to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society, please let us know as this helps us with long-term financial planning. Please contact the Development team on +44 (0)131 226 0036 or email [email protected]
Trusts and foundations
The Edinburgh Festival Fringe welcomes the opportunity to build new partnerships with trusts, foundations and public funders from all over the world.
Together, we can improve support for artists, access and community engagement to give anyone a stage and everyone a seat. We deliver a wide range of activities that focus on mental health, developing emerging artists, measuring impact and helping young people and marginalised groups engage with performing arts.
For details on how your trust or foundation can make a difference, please contact our Development team on [email protected] or call +44 (0)131 226 0036.
Support us while you shop
You can support the work of the Fringe Society while shopping online or dining out, at absolutely no cost to you.
Easyfundraising allows you to raise free donations whenever you shop online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday. There are over 4,000 shops and sites on board ready to make a donation – including Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, and M&S. Visit Easyfundraising to select the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society as your chosen charity.
Percent is an app which donates to your chosen charity every time you spend at Deliveroo, Nando’s, Wasabi, Byron and other food and drink retailers. Download the Percent app to get started.