Frequently asked questions for artists
A list of some of the most frequently asked questions we receive from artists thinking of bringing a show to the Fringe.

Our service directory lists lots of businesses that provide a variety of services to artists both during the Fringe and year-round, including rehearsal spaces.
Our service directory lists lots of businesses that provide a variety of services to artists both during the Fringe and year-round, including print shops.
If you’re planning on using posters outdoors, check with Out of Hand first – they’re the officially licenced outdoor marketing contractor in Edinburgh during August. Putting your own posters up without permission is flyposting and is not permitted.
You can collect your artist pass from our artist hub, Fringe Central – we’ll confirm details of the location in the lead-up to August. Sign up to artist updates to be kept in the loop.
It’s a big job! The best place to start is our Organise a show guide; we also recommend signing up to attend one of our online information sessions, the Fringe Focus Series, on Fringe Connect. If in doubt, email [email protected] with any questions at any time – we’re here all year round.
As we do not match performers with any given show, we can’t guarantee a performance. However, in the run-up to August we list performance opportunities on Fringe Connect, ie shows with available performance slots.
Each venue works differently so it’s best to scope out multiple venues and see which is suitable for you. Read our guidance on finding a venue.
This will vary from venue to venue. Read our guidance on finding a venue, or get in touch with [email protected] for more bespoke information.
We’ll confirm details of Fringe Central’s location in the lead-up to August – sign up to artist updates to be kept in the loop.
There’s a lot of competition for reviewers during the Fringe, so email [email protected] for advice on making the most of your time at the festival. You can also read our guidance around PR, promotion and media.
Our online accommodation portal goes live from early 2025 – it lists affordable accommodation options exclusive to artists.
You must sell out 95% of available tickets over the entire run of your show. There’s more information on this in our guide to marketing your show.
Check out the Fringe street events page, or email [email protected].
The short answer is no. Street events slots are for artists whose primary form of performance is on the street. However, shows can take part in Finale performances – for more details please email [email protected].
The Fringe Society does not run any awards for the festival, but we do maintain a list of all the awards handed out at the festival, along with details of how to enter. Some awards do not list any entry criteria or instructions, which typically means they cannot be entered directly by artists, and will instead be scouted by judges.
The short answer is yes – you can find more detailed information on our music licensing page. If you have any questions that aren’t answered there, please email [email protected].
The UK Government has listed the Fringe as a permit-free festival, meaning registered international participants do not need to acquire a work visa to attend, perform and take ticket sales for their Fringe show at the festival. Instead, registered participants can enter the country as a Standard Visitor. To travel to the UK as a Standard Visitor, you may need to apply for an Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) or a Standard Visitor Visa, depending on the country you are travelling from.
The Fringe Society can issue a 'welcome letter' to registered international artists and official entourage to present to UK Border Control as proof of their participation. The welcome letter should be used alongside all other required and recommended documentation.
Please use our visa information form to learn more about the visa process relevant to you. The form and more detailed information about travelling to the UK can be found on our page for international artists.
Log into your show registration form in EdFringeware, then navigate to the Company Information tab, then the Company List section at the bottom of the page. This is where you can enter the details of anyone in your company who requires a Welcome Letter – remember to select the checkbox for each relevant person. When you’ve finished adding these details, hit the Request Welcome Letter button and our team will pick it up from there.
If your show has been registered by your venue, you should contact them in the first instance. Please email [email protected] if you have any questions. You can find more information on our international performers page.
This is decided on a case-by-case basis, depending on the amount of money you earn. You can find more information on our international performers page.